University of Minnesota
Check & Connect Student Engagement Intervention | Institute on Community Integration
Institute on Community Integration CEHD

Photo of mentor with four students, representing Check & Connect Student Engagement Intervention.

Extensions and Use in Applied Settings

Extensions of the SEI

The SEI has been extended downward to grades 3-5 (SEI-E; Carter, Reschly, Lovelace, Appleton, & Thompson, 2012) and upward to college-age students (SEI-C; Grier-Reed, Appleton, Rodriguez, Ganuza, & Reschly, 2012; Waldrop, Reschly, Fraysier, & Appleton, in press).   In addition, a brief version of the SEI for potential use in progress monitoring (SEI-B; Pinzone, Appleton, & Reschly, 2017) and a version for students in grades 1 and 2 (SEI-E2) are being developed.

Intervention and Use in Applied Settings

Students’ engagement data may be used to identify those who are at-risk for disengagement and dropout as well as to inform and monitor the effects of interventions.  Several resources are available linking these four types of engagement to intervention strategies (Christenson et al., 2008; Reschly, Appleton, & Pohl, 2014, Reschly, Pohl, Christenson, & Appleton, 2017) and illustrating the use of SEI data in applied settings (Appleton, 2012; Reschly et al., 2014).

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